
As you know, the process of switching to electronic cash registers in the territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan in accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 52 dated February 14, 2019 on the approval of "Graphics". cash registers "for connection to the electronic information system of the Ministry.

In this regard, the iiko software provides for the implementation of cash payments for retail and (or) public catering through the electronic money system in order to fulfill the requirements established by the legislation provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

To connect to the online checkout system (e-checkout) or get detailed information, please contact us.

What is e-checkout?

Electronic cash register is a new type of hardware and software complex equipped with a control mechanism device. The collection, processing, storage and transmission (transmission) of check data received and processed by means of electronic cash, as well as information on transactions to the database of the State Tax Service in real time are provided.

Electronic money is used for settlements with the population in the retail trade and (or) public catering.

What is a control mechanism device and why is it created?

The control mechanism certificate is issued for a period of 3 years. When this period expires or the device becomes unusable, the certificate is replaced with a new one.

How is the new scheme for the exchange of information on cash transactions implemented?

The following key elements are involved in the exchange of information on cash transactions: electronic cash (and the device of the control mechanism that is part of it) and the database of information systems of the State Tax Service. A check is generated by an electronic cash register, combining fiscal information. Based on the operational data, the check with a unique identifier (fiscal identifier) ​​is transferred to the database of information systems of the State Tax Service. Using the QR code (and a unique identifier) ​​on the check, the consumer can remotely check whether the check is in the State Tax Service's information systems database.


"Azərbaycan Respublikası Vergilər Nazirliyinin elektron informasiya sisteminə real vaxt rejimində qoşulmalı olan “Nəzarət-kassa aparatlarının tətbiqi Qrafiki”nin təsdiq edilməsi haqqında (№ 52)

"Nəzarət-kassa aparatlarının istismarı Qaydaları"nın təsdiq edilməsi barədə (№ 338)

Do you have questions about iiko? Let's discuss!

You can get advice, clarify prices and order a solution from the specialists of iiko BUSINESS PARTNER AZERBAIJAN. Contact us by phone, e-mail or request a call back.

+994 12 310 26 21